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A day out with Charlotte that gives my stomach six-pack(:
Tuesday 29 May 2012 | 00:56 | 0 hearts♥

Meow-ning(: Well, I slept at like 3am in the morning and woke at 7plus near 8am today. THANKS SAM & SARAH FOR CALLING ME. Really, there are really awesome. I really count myself lucky to have them. I feel so blessed! REALLY. Oh, Sarah missed call me 8 times:/ Hah So I left home with my mum today(: I was the last one to reach again:/ Had Ms Gayle's class, wasn't really paying attention as I was busy looking for informations and doing my Business Presentation ICA2. After which, had lunch break(: Had Japanese Food at Koufu! Nomz. Had Ms Soo's class before our BPS class. Gosh, I was nervous! In the end, I thought that I did pretty well, other than that I over-run. Finally for the last class of the day, We had Ms Anne's class. BORING!

After class, accompanied Char to Thomson Plaza as she wanted to buy guitar. So bus-ed there. Char managed to find a guitar she liked. Around $122. However, guitar did not come with the guitar bag. And the guitar bag was sold out currently at that outlet. So they told us that Plaza Sing's outlet have. So we went to eat KFC for dinner before going over Plaza Sing. On our way there, Bjorn said that he wanted to join us. So by the time we reached Plaza Sing, it was already 7.25pm. Damn it, when we asked the person regarding the $122 guitar and the guitar bag, they said that both are not available!. Gosh!!!! So me, Char and Bjorn decided to head back to Thomson Plaza. Went we were waiting for bus at Toa Payoh, Bjorn said that he need to go back. So in the end, me and Char headed back to Thomson Plaza. As it was pitched dark outside, and in order to make sure that we were in the right track, we uses our phone map app. hah but apparently both our maps are not accurate as it keeps hitting into "houses", "trees", ... HoHoho.. 

By the time we alighted, it was 8.45 and Yamaha closes at 9pm. So as soon as we alighted, Char pulled me and ran! Gosh, my butt was hurting so much. Poor Pi Gu. While running, I told Char: " If Yamaha closes, Im so gonna jump down man!". Hah Luckily, we made it on time, so Char bought her guitar! ENVY. IM SO GONNA GET MY CLASSIC GUITAR ON WED!! RAWR!. After which, I was craving for Swensens' ice-cream. We ordered Banana Crumble, Topless 5 and fries<3 Bjorn do you regret for not coming?? Hehe..Something happened there, for more please read Char's blog(:


Accompanied Char by taking bus to Bishan with her. And ta-da I'm home, dead tired. I STILL HAVE A JOURNAL TO BE HANDED UP TOMORROW! & I HAD NO IDEA WHAT AM I GONNA WRITE. PEOPLE, GIVE ME IDEAS PLEASE!

guitar that Char bought(:

Can you see us banging into "houses"?

I feel so proud of myself! Tied this myself on Char's head. So look so pretty now!

So Nomz right!! Hehe

