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A day to remember.
Wednesday 23 May 2012 | 00:16 | 0 hearts♥

HElLLO! Today is a day to remember. Woke up about 10am as lesson only start at 11am(: Rushed to school like some mad woman as I left home, fearing that I would be late for MaoMaoChong's class. Saw Melissa along my way(: As usual his class was boring! Trying my best to pay attention in class... BlahBlah. Then we had a two hour. As Char forgot to bring the cake, thus we were celebrating Sarah's birthday today. Quite belated...  She was surprised! And love the cake and the Captain Amercia miniature that we gave(: Had Mac for lunch after that(: Continued to have Mr Chong's lesson for the next 2 hour!):

After class ended, me, Sam and Char headed over to the library.. Im trying to rush my journal which is due today:/ We left Library at about 5.15pm, went to print the journal and handed in to Ms Soo. Initially, I had decided to have dinner with Char before going to CCA, but something unexpected and stupid happened. Well, we met Danish on our way to Koufu for dinner. I ate the Japaneses fish thing. Nomz. Okay, so I was being kind, i offered to help them buy drink. Char wanted pepsi, Danish wanted Milo and I wanted a Root Beer. So when I was about to put the tray of drinks onto the table, that damn milo slipped and poured all over the table and my bag!!! Fyeah, MY BAG! The thing i do was to take out my com to check if it was okay. well, apparently the milo leaked into my laptop bag. Gosh. Then next thing i knew was all my papers in my bag was drenched with milo. Seriously at that point of time, I couldnt but to curse myself for being too clumsy. So in end, I decided not to go for CCA and went home straight to clear things up. I took me a while man. 

After bathing, I went over to Northpoint to get myself a new laptop bag(: Cuteness overload! Hmph. Next time I would think twice before I drink milo. I'VE GOT PHOEBIA OF MILO NOW!!! RAWR.

(Gonna Chiong my media marketing ICA. Hate it)

