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Saturday 26 May 2012 | 16:44 | 0 hearts♥

Meow-ning!(: FRIDAYFRIDAY! Heh. Was supposed to wake up at around 4am to do my untouched homework. But however, I failed to do so): I woke up at 8.30 instead.. I have three things to be accomplished. I did the DFVP ICA first. It was a really tedious work! I took about hours to complete it.. So by the time i finish doing, it was already 10.30am. As i have yangqin lesson at 5.30pm, i decided to practice before continuing with my work. So as today is the last day before jun holidays start, my sister's school is have the parent-meeting or something. Therefore, my mum did not go for work today(: I met them for lunch at Amk Hub at 12 pm. We had NewYorkNewYork. It is really delicious. Nomz. Was supposed to lunch with Monsters, but my mum requested to eat together. So in the end, I met up with Bjorn, Char and Sam before heading to school. On our way to the Mrt, we past this shop that sell really pretty shoes. So we went in. Hha, Sam and I both bought a shoe(: Hppaygirl95. 

As usual we were like three drunk people walking to schoool. We played the laughing game. The winner is Char. She laughs is so contagious. Damn funny. Then when we were in the lift, just the three of us, Char laugh like some mad woman! Damn funny! so funny that I almost pee!

So for today, we only have Ms Gayle's lesson. After school, was supposed to accompany Char to Amk Hub again to but the guitar. However, I was delayed as I need to go print stuffs. We ended up leaving school at 5.30pm. OhNO! I did not accmpany Char to the Hub as I'm afraid that I will be late for the lesson, I did not go with her. Instead, Bjorn accompanied her(:

I'm happy, my yangqin teacher praised me! She said that I had improved(: Heh So Yangqin lesson ended t about 7. After which, I had to rush down to GECO practice. Why am I forever busy?! I didn't even had time to grab food to eat.. So in the end, the practice ended at 10.50pm!. Usually it will end at 10pm, but they delayed till so late. 

Gosh, I still have alot of assignments not done! Buabye..

