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One way or another.
Monday 21 May 2012 | 15:16 | 0 hearts♥

Boohooo! MondayMonday! Woke up 7 plus. Hoho I'm supposed to meet Nadia at 8am at school later for some discussion. Im gonna hurry a bit. I'm gonna be alittle bit late:/ Luckily, the train was not really packed today(: Reached school at about 8.20am Rushed out the powerpoint and Im happily left with 20min to gobble down my breakfast(: After Nadia, Char and Sam went to print the slides out before heading for classes. We only 5mins late. But Ms Soo locked us out of our class! =_= Like whathehell! But still, after a while, she let us in.. Me and Nadia were the last few to present. I hope that I did not screw up the whole thing. But at least it went on well(: WinkWink Camwhored with Nadia in class(: I love her spect(: heh

Headed to Koufu after class. Ate my favourite dessert(: Nomz. Headed to Ms Gayle's class at 2. Gosh I feel bad for not pying attention to her during her class): Class ended early excepted(: Currently I'm at the library with Monsters. Gosh, Char was damn good at audition!!! Damn coool! I tried. Totally cannot make it): But I guess I'm going to create an account soon(: Then can played with her. Heh Next to me, Danish was telling me this girl and that girl is cute and stuff. He even said that my sister is cute =_= *speechless*

One more lesson at 4pm!): Why. Today is Graduation Day for our year 3 seniors. And Im thinking to myself that I will be like wearing that graduation clothes three years later. I wouldn't want the time to come. I will be like freaking 19 years old by then. Imma old woman): Sad. 

Shall continuing watching Running Man. #Daebak <3

