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Pang Pang.
Wednesday 30 May 2012 | 01:53 | 0 hearts♥

Hello People! I'm tired): Woke up at 9am. Reached at 10.05? Luckily Im not late. Had "Pillars of Life" for the first lesson. We had this mini activity.. Okay I am the Flash! Initially I was quite happy with the result. As Flash was honest, kind and everything you can think of. Then suddenly Char was like:" Sam, HaHah, Vivienne really NOT BRAIN ORIENTED!!!! Gosh): SadSad hah. Char was like spironman hah she was a mix, Sam was Batman, the emo type:/ Sarah is so Spiderman! Hah. After which, had Mr Chong's lecture:/ Followed by Ms Soo then yea BREAK! After break, continued with Mr Chong's class for another 2 hours!): Oh Vignes or Alvin or IDK found a video on youtube showing Mr Chong singing a cover of idk what song. Hha. After class, went to Koufu for awhile, meanwhile, Sarah and Danish ended their lesson early and came to look for us(: Damn, Bjorn has no schoool!): NOT FAIR! Heh. Train-ed down to CityHall with Char to buy her guitar bag. She bought the bag at only $18! Damn freaking cheap. Oh and I also saw a guitar that I like! $90 is Im not wrong... So gonna get that guitar tomorrow after schooool.After walking around the idk which mall, we went back to the Raffles City mall or something? Not very sure tooo. We found a place at J.CO donut shop to rest and eat! Nomz. Bought 6 donuts and a large Iced Chocolate to share(: Char was like:" Vivienne, everytime I come out with you, I will spend a lot of money on food. Hmph, I dont know whether it is a good thing or bad thing:}" Headed to Paper Market before going home. We spend a really long time inside the shop, as Char and I wanted to find nice nice deco to decorate our guitar(: In the end, we bought spend $16 each. We even got the Paper Market VIP member or something. Hah. After that train-ed home, Char alighted at Dhoby Ghaunt): Tired Tired. 

Sigh, why we have miscommunications?! I dont even know how to do the thing sia. Sia, Im like doing the hardest qns. & you all? Nevermind(:

Fish-tail, tied by Melissa! She is my Shi-fu(:

