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First Day.
Tuesday 26 June 2012 | 00:05 | 0 hearts♥

Meow-loww people!(: Today is the first of school after the two weeks break:O And I have not being blogging often): Woke up at about 7.30am today from a sweet phone call from my lovely cousin<3 She gave me a morning call to make sure that I dont over sleep before she goes to school. Aww... So sweet(: 

Was supposed to meet Monsters at YCK Mrt at 8.30am, but as usual, I was the last one to arrive): Ms Gayle's lesson first, followed by lunch break. Ate at Koufu ( kinda missed Koufu ). Had Creativity and thinking skills. And I got back my ICA2 result.. I got a "B". Still okay, I thought. BPS then, followed by Theatre Music. Well, I'm feeling a little guilty for joining in the "fun" to ask Nishmen sing in front of the whole class. Well, in the end, he really did. His voice is really nice! Awesome much(: 

After class, headed to library to find Char. While waiting for Bjorn and Danish , we did Puden's ICA. Left the library at 6pm. Then we saw some lego making thing for $5 at the atrium, then we decided to do it(:(: All the four of us made one pair each. And we placed one lego at the big podium there. (: It was quite hilarious! As I need to settle thing for my stupid phone, I trained to Bishan with Bjorn and Char. However, the starhub at Bishan said I need to go down to Nex =_= Immediately called Char to wait for me. Luckily they had not board the train yet(: 

I think that my phone is giving me so much problem that even the customer service guy even recognise me!!!! Gosh. Then trained down to Orchard to walk around myself before heading home.

Huhu, many ICAs are heading my way. Some is even due this week): Please let me score good grades(:

