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Saturday 7 July 2012 | 23:58 | 0 hearts♥

                                               HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAMONSTER<3<3
Okay there is like 3 min before the end of Char's Birthday, so Im gonna make a quick post(: Happy 17th girl. You have being a wonderful friend. I am really lucky to have know you <3 Well, I am supposed to have blog about the early surprise we gave you on Wednesday, but I was really busy, so did not really have time. I'm so sorry ): *feeling bad* May our friendship last forever and end<3 Love you<3

Well as I mentioned earlier, we had an early surprise for Char as I cant celebrate on her actual day due to performance. So we ended school as usual, have a guest talk at noon. After while, we headed to Sam's house! Really like some high-class villa. Damn cool! SAM, I WANT TO BE YOUR NEIGHBOUR(: Sam brought us around her condo, and after that we watched "phyco girlfriend" and "ghost ship" on Char's laptop.        Then the birthday surprise officially began. We were like, lets all have dinner at Northpoint. Char was like: "i see whether got money a not, if not i go home bahh." All of us were like SHOCKED! What if this surprise failed?! But still, Char went with us. According to the plan, I am supposed to fake stomache and need to go toilet shit while Danish and Bjorn went to redraw money, then Sam and Sarah went over to Seoul Garden. Then Char was talking to Wen Bing on the phone while waiting for me outside the toilet. Poor me, I stayed inside the cubicle for quite a while as though I have constipation .. LOL. Then after I went out, I was Char pei me go redraw money. After redrawing money, we went to find the rest. The 4 of them were sitted at Breeks cafe(: Char was like " ohmygosh, why eat so expensive stuff!!!!!" We ordered our dinner (: Nomx Delicious. After eating, we asked the staff people to bring out the cake. Before the cake came, we diverted Char's attention by showing her our video messages<3 Then when every one sing "Happy Birhday to you" Char was on the verge of crying. She said she was touched! Then we gave Char the Bunny we made at Build-a-bear. The bunny was damn damn ex. 77$ gosh! The Bunny was named Apple! Wen Bing and Char baby(: They even have a birth certificate for the bunny(: Awww.. Cut the cake and made wishes. After getting a slice of cake, Danish had to go. Whereas the rest of continuing eating and slacking. Well, I kinda screwed up a little ): Sorry Monsters. I am feeling guilty ): But I am glad that she like it(:

