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Tuesday 17 July 2012 | 00:46 | 0 hearts♥

Hello Guys, though it is like 12.33am, I shall blog about yesterday! 

It's MONDAY! Like a sian only D; Met Monsters as usual at the Mrt and walked to school together(: Aww.. so sweet! ^^ Had Miss Gayle's class. Halfway through the lesson when all of us had more or less completed our assignment for the day, Char and I decided to go to print our homework. But I guess we went at the wrong timing ): The queue was super duper LONG! But we still queued anyway. By the time we were done, class had ended. We quickly rushed to class, luckily Miss Gayle had not left yet! PHEW. Had Mac for lunch :O Then was Miss Soo lesson, she dismissed us really early and so, I went to watch video during the free time (: Then BPS, and that stupid GSM before I chiong home to practice yangqin before I go for lesson. Stupid idea of me to cab there, I totally forgotten that there is peak hour rate. And the cab fee was holy ex! 


Oh Teacher said I had improved! Great to hear that(: Then I bus-ed and train-ed to Nex to find that Kaiyi for dinner! It had been sucha long time since I last saw him. HOHo, Miss him so much! Had some Taiwan food? Nomz Nice man! I love their red milk tea ^^ Then went to have Mcflurry before I train-ed home. Well, got scolded when I reached home. My mum was nagging me, complaining that I am reaching later and later): Sigh. I'm so tired D; 

PS: I realised that I have alot of soft toys uh! (:

My oh-so-messy bed(:

Dinner! Nomz.

Forever Unglam one =_=

Till then.

