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Thursday 12 July 2012 | 00:11 | 0 hearts♥

Hello my dear readers. Haven been really posting:/ Im like forever busy man. Sigh, busy with CO and school and everything that is revolving around me.

Have not been in a really good mood this few days. Something has been bugging for quite a while. Well, I read that crazily long blog post by Char ( 11 July ), and I agreed with her. To let you know, we are trying our best to help you. Despite to have talked to you with it already, you did not changed. WHY? ): I really really really hope that you can just have some self-reflection time. Reflected on all the things you have done. 

Well, I would say, everyone has their own limit. Some might already reach their limit, but mine is not just yet. But soon, sooner or later I will explode. And i dont want that to happen. I love you as my very best friend. We love you as our friends. I dont know, but I just feel that you are self-centered. Do not really take in what people have to say. 

Like what Char say, "Treat people the way you want people to treat you."

I dont really have anything more to say. But I really hope that you can reflect. Please. I know you are who you are. We accept you for who you are. But it is just a little bit too much.

Love you always,
