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Tuesday 3 July 2012 | 00:23 | 0 hearts♥

HEHEHEHEHE. Im feeling good today(: Stayed up to watch Euro final SPAIN VS ITALY. Well, I support SPAIN! At the 14 min, this Silva guy scored the first goal! Hehe. Then just before half time at about 41 min, Jordi scored the second goal!! <3 Hah. I was thinking that Spain would win for sure! And I really hope that Spain can at least have 5 goals for this match(: Second half was a tough fight. I felt that both team were equally good. Okay, maybe not equally Spain is better than Italy of course. Then Fernando Torres was sub in. Like a finally! And he scored the third goal!<3 3-0, needless to say, Spain confirm win already(: Can see disappointment on the Italy's team face. But they never gave up. At the 88 min, Juan (if I'm not wrong)scored a goal! The 4th goal!!!!! FYEAH! I felt that Casillas is both a good captain for Spain team and also a good goal keeper. He played his role well. So proud of SPAIN. I want to see them continue winning! <3 

Till then

