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Tuesday 3 July 2012 | 00:41 | 0 hearts♥

HELLO! Well, as I stayed up the most of the night yesterday to watch soccer, I only had three hours of sleep! ): Seriously why is the MOE so unfair. Why does pri, sec and JC have holiday but not poly students): Gawd!. So the night before, I stayover at my aunt's house, so she woke me up at 7.15am for school. Oh then I suddenly remember that I need to let both parents to sign for my cruise form. Initially, I wanted my aunt and uncle to forge for me. But then I realised that my parents' signatures are hard to forge LOL. So after preparing and are my breakfast, I went home. Managed to let both of them sign, photocopy both my passport and admin card. Please, praying really hard, please my new passport come soon! 

Meet Monsters at MRT as usual, and guess what, I was the earliest! Like for once!:/ Had Ms Gayle's class first, and she dismissed us an hour early(: Then Sam, Char and I headed to Koufu to eat while waiting for Sarah's class to end so that we can hand up the forms together(: And then accompany them to makan(: Had Ms Soo and Ms Ang class. I keep falling asleep. I was really really tired. I yawn until my jaws gonna drop:/ 

So after my GSM module, I immediately rush off as I have Yangqin lesson at 6pm. Then after the Yangqin lesson, bus-ed and trained for GECO. Im currently really tired that I dont even know what I am typng man! :O

Im onna catch some sleep now!(:

Good Night!

Till then

