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Thursday 9 August 2012 | 00:15 | 0 hearts♥
Hello Guys! First Semester is about to end soon, which means exams are around the corner): Have been really busy these few days that I only slept for only 3-4 hours. Sigh.. I'm feeling a little guilty because I have no picture for this blog post. 

Well, had marketing tutorial, and as usual I am late. I was quite shocked to see that only very little people turned up for the tutorial class. Hmpf, Imma sucha a good girl (: After class, went to had Mac for breakfast before heading to library to do Miss Gayle's ICA. For some reason, I keep sneezing non-stop today. Falling sick ): Discussed for a while until 1 plus then I train-ed over to Bishan to get stuff for Kong eonni. She going back to Korea today): I mean She had already left... After which, I went back to school to pass her the stuffs. I even wrote her a letter in Korean(: Took Polaroids with her ^^ After that, I train-ed home.

I slept all the way till 7plus, then I watched < We Are Singaporeans >. And I saw myself! heh. Had dinner with my papa after that 

Yawns. I'm tired. I shall post all the overdue picture tomorrow or something.

Till then,

