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3 Weeks later.
Thursday 2 August 2012 | 04:13 | 0 hearts♥

Heyyo, how is everyone doing? I haven been really posting any stuffs for about three long weeks! I feel bad!. Had been really busy. Busy like some mad woman with many ICAs due, many concerts and up coming competitions as well. The stress level is slowly increasing!! ): 

One ICA down!

Just had my Marketing ICA yesterday. Whereby we need to wear formal wear and present to the class. Heh, Bought my formal wear from G2000 as they are having sale! ^^ 

So stupidly, I left home today already in my formal wear together with my 3 1/2cm heels as class start at 8, and I think Im gonna be late. On my way to Mrt, my feet are hurting like a bitch. By the time I reached school, one big blister was formed! T.T Idk why, but I'm feeling a little nervous. But thnks to Alvin, he calmed me down by asking me to take a long deep breathe, which I guess it worked in a way(: And my presentation went on smoothly!

After class, camwhored a little with my two lovelies before heading for another lecture! Sam got to change, whereas I had to be stuck in that forma wear for the whole day! *Sad* After lecture, went to chiong scrapbook with Melissa. We spent like 2 hours doing it. Felt a sense of satistifaction. Damn nice! Cab-ed to Northpoint to have our late lunch. We had Manhattans Fish something. nomz! Walked around for a while before I bus-ed home.

Initially I wanted to go for school CO, but changed my mind as I was really tired. And so I stayed at home and sleep! Met my grandaunt and her family for dinner at the market. Good Food again! ^^

Gosh, tomorrow there is another presentation for BPS! I just finished rehearsing my parts for i-dont-know how many times!

Yay tomorrow have TPYWCC CO pract!. I think I am in love with the conductor (small crush?), he is just so cute!^^ JUST KIDDING! I MUST BE CRAZY MAN!  Cant wait to attend all their co practice from now on! (: Hopefully he can still continuing to conduct in the years to come!

More Pictures!
Oh Man, what on earth am I doing/thinking at that moment! T.T

Totally UNGLAM!

Till then.

