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Saturday 29 September 2012 | 01:22 | 0 hearts♥
Hello people, its seems like x1234253 months since I lasted blogged! Did all of you guys missed me? Alot of things had taken placed within these few months. Like, I went on a cruise trip with my MONSTERS, I went to F1 Concert to see JAY CHOU husband and I was just back from BIGBANG ALIVE TOUR CONCERT! Amazing or what?! Well, I think I just blog about the concert ones!! (: If you want to know more about my cruise trip, you can visit Charlotte or Sam's blog! (:


So I had Yangqin Lesson in the morning, after which, I trained to Promenade to meet Kimberly (my guitar friend!) She accompanied to watch the F1 concert!((: But then we realised that we were at the wrong zone, so in the end, we had to trained back to city hall. We bought Mac for our lunch! Okay, so when we entered the F1 area, I was really fascinated. It was like a whole new experiencing for me as I never go F1 before. [Anyway, my purpose is for Jay Chou also not for the cars T.T ] But still, we stopped to look at the cars ( i think they are practicing ) The noise is super LOUD! Then we made our way to the Padang Stage! We were super early, we reached there at 3 plus when the concert only begin at 11.10pm! LOL

Lucky we were early, therefore we are able to get the fan tag which alllowed us into the Fanzone. So Kim and I were sitting down outside the fanzone area under the scorching sun with a few people already queueuing before us. And then, the sky began to turn darker! ALAS, IT BEGAN TO RAIN! To make it worse, both of us have no umbrella. Maybe because of this reason, they allowed us into zone area. The rain continued to pour heavier, it was so cold and we cant take it any longer so we went to buy the survivor kit which consists of earplug and rain coat!.

The time is ticking so slow, and the loud sound of the F1 car is making all us going deaf! But thanks to the earplug!

The Finally 11.10PM! I heard my husband voice! FYEAH.

For the first time in my life, I was so closed to him ( actually not say very close la ) I was at the first/front row!

My heart instantly melted and I thought I was going to faint any sooner! He sang a total of 15 songs of which all of them are my favourite! Like seriously, I sang along to all his songs! MUACKS! Even when the concert ends, all of us still did not bear to leave and we kept shouting "ENCORE".

I left relunctantly.

Kim and I came out and waited together with a crowd of JAY fans for his departure. For about 10-20 min later, a blue car came out! I saw him!!! He even waved to us! *Heart Melt*

Luck is on our side that day, as Kim and I decided to loiter around for a while more as the MRT is gonna be really crowded. Alas, and we saw JAY CHOU LEAD DANCER, XIAO MAI! WOAH! We even took a picture with him!! We even stalked him a little. But I supposed it was quite obvious ! HeHE. We even stalked him back to his hotel!:/ He is a so cute! FAINT.


This is Xiao Mai. TeeHee. Okay when I saw this picture, I was like: "Kimberly, WHY YOU STAND SO FAR?!" LOL! Xiao Mai is so cute! MUACKS

Okay, that's all for the F1 concert! Oh my, im like writing an essay!

Till then,
With love,
