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Your Eyes & Your Smile just took my breathe away.
Wednesday 17 October 2012 | 00:53 | 0 hearts♥
First week of S2... ...

Hello peeps, today is only the second day of S2 but I could already felt the stress): New modules and some new lecturers. So far so good I guessed. Well, MS1201 just had a mini class BBQ gathering @ East Coast Park. It was really awesome (except for all the weird creatures crawling away!) Mr Azhar and Ms Gayle were there too! These are the little things I treasured the most! Such wonderful memories.

So today, we had lesson till 10pm! FML. Furthermore the lesson was like quite boring, I almost fell asleep! But I supposed that things would be getting better(: So before that night class, Monsters headed to Amk and slacked at Nebo!(: Sarah, Sam and I were watching Running Man. I love RM, it is just so entertaining and I was seriously laughing my head off! While the rest were playing audition or guitar hero.. Had dinner before heading back to school! Reached school at around 6.36pm? Since we reached early and can't go into the room, we sat outside the classroom. Suddenly Charlotte decided to tell us a ghost story. I was quite freaked out I was visualising it in my brain. But the funnier part was when the door suddenly opened and our lecturer walked in. Charlotte was totally freaked and scared that she fell over! It was so funny that I laughed till I cried. LOL much..?

So I supposed that's all for today? Feel really bad for not uploading any picture): Hopefully I would be blogging again tomorrow!(:

PS: HoHo, I think I have a new crush. AGAIN?! Yea right, again... ... I just like him when he smiled. Its so contagious(: But I thought he had a girlfriend already? SOMEONE JUST KILLED ME PLEASE. Thank you.

Till then.
With Love,
