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And you even called yourself a dad?
Thursday 22 November 2012 | 01:52 | 0 hearts♥

It had been a long one since I last post. I had been extremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremely  busy these few weeks. And I really mean BUSY!. Having intensive CO practice is not fun at all! Reaching home at 10plus is no joke at all. Having a performance on 23rd and a competition on 30th is no joke at all. When I all ready and wanted to start doing homework, I fell asleep. Dark Rings are forming under my eyes. I'm literally drained. I'm mentally exhausted. Sometime I asked myself was it really worth it? My answer would  always be the same. Yes, it is worth it.

I felt guilty and sorry for my friends as I had been really moody. Whenever I am tired, I'm like that. So yeah); You know I love you all right?! ^~^ Cant wait to watch movie with you guys tomorrow!!

Moving on.

Seriously, I cant express how much I hated my dad. When I says hate, I mean it. Did he even play the role model of a father? NO. Yet once again he triggered me again!

So after school, I had lunch with the Monsters and we all accompanied Bjorn to buy ticket. After which I went home straight to practice as I have some rehearsal at SCH at night. By right, it should be the parent taking their child over. But since my mum was away, it should be my dad's responsibility to do, guess what he say, 'eh please la, I just reached home from work and i haven eat and bath. Now you still want me to drive you there?!" *And he stared at me* Likefuck seriously. In the end it was my granduncle that accompanied me there. He just end work, quickly bathe and had a quick dinner just to be able to bring me there in time. Not to forget that he had to leave home for work at 6plus the next morning. What type of father are you? OKAY never mind.

When I reached home and bathed, it was already 12.30am already. I originally wanted to go do my homework. But now, guess what he asked me to do. WASH THE PLATES! The worst part is that he said he purposely dont want to wash them. And he says we treat him like maid or something like that. LIKE HELLO! If you have time to go out with your friends at night and slacking there to watch TV, WHY CANT YOU AT LEAST HELP TO WASH THE DAMN FUCKING PLATES! And my sister just watched videos instead of helping me. So by the time I was done, it was like already 1am.

URgh, I dont know. I know that I shouldnt be writing all this about my dad, but I need to rant for a bit. Maybe it is just me being pathetic. Damn I need to cry.

I might end up in IMH one day.
