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Saturday 3 November 2012 | 02:19 | 0 hearts♥
Hello to all readers! ^^ Well, I was late for school today): Was overslept as I only slept at 5am in the morning. But I managed to finish a DIY tote bag of mine! It was so pretty. Dreamcatcher series: "To be in Daze" Spent so much effort on it and I feel really proud of myself about completing it!(:

[ If you love this design, you can buy from me as I am selling it on my instashop. Follow me at @prettylittlestuffs. ]

Had Miss Ang's class, did a presentation and I guessed that it was pretty okay? After which headed over to Mac area to find the rest of the Monsters for lunch (: Had the beehoon (: Him was there ^^ Sarah and Dan told me that him 'protected' me when Bjorn said 'ee' to me(:(: I just cant help but to love him more! But sadly, he left soon after. After lunch, Dan went to mosque, Sarah rushing her script for presentation, me rushing Miss Gayle's homework , Sam and Char were lepaking. Left around 1.30pm. Pass up my homework before leaving. It was like one of the rare days where I get to go home early and I sort of like that!(:

Received a HUGE PRESENT from the DB people!(: I love it to max. Im like re-watching it again and again and again. Raping the re-play button(: Decided to leave house at around 4.15pm as I have an appointment at 4.30pm at marymount, but I accidentally dozed and woke up 6plus (to my horror). So in the end, I met the girl at Orchard(: So I train-ed down to Orchard, went to get my fabric dye before going to meet her! The seller was really nice and friendly unlike others(: I bought spikes studs(:

After that, I trained back and went to my aunt's house for dinner(: Had a fabric dye session and IT WAS AWESOME! Pretty pretty bag!(:

[Once again, If you are interested, you can purchase it from me as i am selling in my Instashop. You can choose what colour you want! ]

Making all these pretty bags make me feel happy! Really hope you guys can support my works! I drew and dyed each and every pieces myself! So it is really worth !(:

What are you waiting for?! Hurry up and get your's now!

Till then,
With love,
