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Trick or Treat?!
Thursday 1 November 2012 | 00:42 | 0 hearts♥

Happy Halloween to all my beautiful readers!<3
Woke up late today but lucky was not late for class (: Thanks monsters for waiting for me at the MRT. Guess what! I saw him(: So awww.. So had Yikky's lecture with DB, YES! Then DB Bryan's gang came in to class late with funny Halloween Clothing! The mosty funny part is when the lecturer took out his phone and asked them to pose for him!! Hah.After that had Miss Ang's class. The lesson was so 'dry' that I kept falling asleep during lesson): #badvivienne Right after class, I went home straight home as I had music lesson at 2.15pm/ Lesson was supposed to end at 3.45pm but the teacher had to change  most of my strings that she took up alot of time. And in the end, lesson end at 4.45pm! Rushed to have a quick bath and started dolling myself! Fussing about what to wear):

Cab-ed to Sam's house and had my dinner ther!(: Ikea's meatball! Damn nomz I swear! Sam's dogs, Sky and Penne are being over welcoming upon me, Char and Bjorn's arrival. It kept licking us! Hah. Watched a bit of TV before heading back to Sam's room to put up scary make-up! I really wanted to look scary, but in the end failed! Charlotte looked so mmuch scary than I do. Then Sarah was like saying: " vivienne doesn't even look scary. She is too cute to be scary". teehee. Sam had a cute cat face where she went arounf 'Meow-ing', Charlotte had a scary eye make up whereas Bjorn just drew a scar (: We went door to door to ask for sweets!(: "TRICK OR TREAT" hah. This is like my first time celebrating Halloween! Awesome much.

After visiting almost all the house, we went over to the fitness corner to film a short video! Heh, (Okay, just received a whatsapp message from char saying that the Video is done! Yippeee.) So after all the filming and visting, we 'lepak' in Sam's room, then suddenly Sam and Char decided to do the media financial management homework!(: We left around 9.30pm. I cab home AGAIN! I gave Bjorn and Char a ride to the Mrt!(: So kind of me! Hah. Well, that's that!

Shall upload all the pictures now!(:
I tied my hair up like Lady Gaga's 'bow-hair' (Y)

PS: Sam, I so sorry about my loud voice ):

one of the many houses we went!(:

Sam and I, during the make over process!

Group photo!(:

Along Sam's house's stairway!(: Spooky much.

Last but least, gonna end my this post with a pretty picture of me ;muacks

Till then,
With Love,
