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unpleasant day.
Thursday 15 November 2012 | 00:17 | 0 hearts♥



As you can inferred from my blog title, I'm sad today): 

Anyway, hello all my beautiful readers. Ended over to school as usual. And as usual, I was the last to reach. Thanks Dan and Sarah for waiting for me ^_^ Had Yikki's class. As I had an ICA1 later at night and I was not really well prepared so I didnt pay attention during his class. For once, I pitied him. He was like " No one is listening to me" Damn. After that had Miss Ang's lesson before going for lunch at Koufu. BlahBlah. Then headed to library for lesson. Then DB joined us at around 3 plus and we all studied together. Half way through, accompanied Dan to makan! 

And here comes.

As I left my phone with the rest, when I reached back to the table, my sister just texted me and scolded me "asshole" and I'm like dafug, I never do anything at all. Seriously, the thing I hated most is people scolding vulgarities at me. And that word was too much. I was like already on the verge of crying, but still held back as I dont want to cry in front of Monsters. But Dan and Bjorn kept asking me if I'm okay, which made it worst.. In the end, i cried a little and pretended it was okay. Le Sigh, I know that they were just concerned and I really appreciated me. Maybe ts just me(: 

It just happened. But I shall just let it go.

PS: Something is wrong with my mom and my sister. Both of them are seriously getting onto my nerve! I just hope my sister could just stop feaking irritating me with the jacket thing. Dafug.

[ Decided not to sign off ]
