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Mei Yu

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Template and skins : NurIzzati
Background and Photo : We♥it

Sunday Night
Sunday 2 December 2012 | 22:55 | 0 hearts♥
Hey Lovelies, how is everyone doing? Haven being really posting anything since I'm still busy with my competition. I even sacrificed my 2NE1 concert ! Oh Gawd. I even heard that it was blasted! OHOH, I got into FINAL for my competition. *pop champagne* Hah. To be honest, I didnt really expect myself to get into the final. Now I have to treasure my opportunity. Hopefully I can get good result(:

Another thing to be excited about! I got my new MACPRO! Wakaka. It is just so pretty! I even got a red keypad protector. Pretty pretty. Dont be jealous guys!!


AHAH! Melting! Okay Shall go watched some running man(:

Till then,
With Love,
