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Mei Yu

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Background and Photo : We♥it

It's about time.
Tuesday 5 March 2013 | 02:03 | 0 hearts♥
Hey guys! I'm back again! I have been like Missing In Action for like forever!. Well, Well, in a blink of an eye, it is already March. How time flies ): Done with all the CNY and Exams stuff and so I am having my holidays! But I'm so bored! GAWD what should I do man. Looking for a job? Or otherwise/?

Well, so as usual, I have my music lesson this morning. Initially, I wanted to have lunch with that Evil Man, but that sleepyhead just keeps cancelling my calls! >;[ So I decided to head to town to have my nails done! YIPPEEE.

Pretty pretty nails! Couldn't get any happier.

Shortly after getting my nails done, I felt sharp pain in my tummy! LIKE SERIOUSLY, IT WAS !$@&*#*I^#&!%^*(^$&*!^ PAIN. And I vomited out the drink i drank earlier on. (Gross) I could not stand it any longer and I just cabbed home. T.T Literally collasped onto my Aunt's sofa and fell asleep with that pain in my tummy.

Woke up around 6 plus, feeling so much better and then have my dinner. My grandaunt being such a lovely cooked my chicken porridge! Felt so much better to be able to eat something warm !. I was banned from drinking cold drinks now ): BUT! Being a stubborn and a stupid person. I GAVE IN TO MY TEMPTATION. And I ate Ice Cream. Gawd. I know that all of you must have thought how nuts am I, but oh well. It's inside my tummy now :X


One of my favourite ice cream, even though I am not a huge fan of Cheesecake! But this one is oh-so-good. Ah~ i'm feeling guilty now! Praying hard that my tummy wont hurt later on.

I supposed this more or less conclude my day.

Till then,
With Love,
