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Jack & The Giant Slayer./Gym
Wednesday 6 March 2013 | 19:43 | 0 hearts♥
Evening peeps. Ah~ I'm being lazy again and I didn't blog yesterday):
So let's get into our time machine and travelled back to yesterday!

5 March 2013
As usual, I'm late again. Met up with Sam, How and Bjorn for a movie date! Quite sad that the rest are not able to make it. But oh well. Life goes on. So we catch the movie, JACK & THE GIANT SLAYER.

Rating: 4/5

Personally, I feel that it quite a decent movie. Very thrilling and exciting! Hah. Well, I wanted to be like Sarah (wordsofconfession.wordpress.com) to do a movie review, but I realised that I can't bring myself to doing it. My demand in English is so bad. So yea... You guys should go ahead and read her blog. *Thumbs Up*

So after the movie, we went walking the shops, and I managed to use my $5 Sogurt Voucher. Someone gave it to be, but I cant remember who. :X Headed to Somerset alone to do some shopping again! I need new clothes, more basics shirt and probably a new leather pants but I NEED MONEY! Why can't the money just drop from the sky?! *Insane much* Need to find a job too. And and and... I eyed on a new Iphone case again. Damn! I need to have flea session too. To sell away all the clothes that I no longer wear, and at the same time clear/pack my wardrobe too! I just realised how messy my wardrobe was that I could hardly find the shirt that I initially intended to wear. GAWD. But please don't be mistaken me for an untidy person. Don't judge me.


Actually, it is a combination of my clothings and my sister's ones. But still, it is messy); Someone help me! Hah. Well, that's about it for yesterday and before I carried on to today's event, I shall post a #OOTD. What is a post without an OOTD. hah

6 March 2013

As you can inferred from the picture above as well as from the title, YES, I went to Gym today!. Good gracious. Okay, to be true, I'm late again today. Was supposed to reach Sam's house at about 11, but I ended up reaching at 12. *Shame on you Vivienne* Headed to Gym straight. Seriously, I think I need to get a new sport shoe. The one I'm having now is so old and in a very bad condition! Mummy please!  I RAN! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN I-DONT-KNOW MONTHS!. After running on the treadmills, I did some leg workout. All my muscle on my leg are gone! ): Gonna get them back!. After all this exercise, I went swimming! AND YEA! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN I-DONT-KNOW HOW MANY MOUTHS! But too bad, I did not have a goggles with me and I can't open my eyes in the water for too long since it hurts so much): Then I showered at Sam's house and have a hearty lunch! Her maid sure knows how to cook! Bus to AMK hub as I wanted to get my brows done! So brows are done and somehow the lady persuaded me in treading some facial hair around my lips. AND STUPIDLY, I AGREE!!!! GUESS WHAT! IT WAS FUCKING PAIN! I never knew that it was that painful!

Reached home at about 4 plus, watched dramas and blogging That's my life. GAWD, I'm so bored! Job , Job, I need one!

Okay, that's that. Need to head over to my Grandaunt's house for dinner. Nomnom..

Till then,
With Love,