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Jack & The Giant Slayer./Gym
Wednesday 6 March 2013 | 19:43 | 0 hearts♥
Evening peeps. Ah~ I'm being lazy again and I didn't blog yesterday):
So let's get into our time machine and travelled back to yesterday!

5 March 2013
As usual, I'm late again. Met up with Sam, How and Bjorn for a movie date! Quite sad that the rest are not able to make it. But oh well. Life goes on. So we catch the movie, JACK & THE GIANT SLAYER.

Rating: 4/5

Personally, I feel that it quite a decent movie. Very thrilling and exciting! Hah. Well, I wanted to be like Sarah (wordsofconfession.wordpress.com) to do a movie review, but I realised that I can't bring myself to doing it. My demand in English is so bad. So yea... You guys should go ahead and read her blog. *Thumbs Up*

So after the movie, we went walking the shops, and I managed to use my $5 Sogurt Voucher. Someone gave it to be, but I cant remember who. :X Headed to Somerset alone to do some shopping again! I need new clothes, more basics shirt and probably a new leather pants but I NEED MONEY! Why can't the money just drop from the sky?! *Insane much* Need to find a job too. And and and... I eyed on a new Iphone case again. Damn! I need to have flea session too. To sell away all the clothes that I no longer wear, and at the same time clear/pack my wardrobe too! I just realised how messy my wardrobe was that I could hardly find the shirt that I initially intended to wear. GAWD. But please don't be mistaken me for an untidy person. Don't judge me.


Actually, it is a combination of my clothings and my sister's ones. But still, it is messy); Someone help me! Hah. Well, that's about it for yesterday and before I carried on to today's event, I shall post a #OOTD. What is a post without an OOTD. hah

6 March 2013

As you can inferred from the picture above as well as from the title, YES, I went to Gym today!. Good gracious. Okay, to be true, I'm late again today. Was supposed to reach Sam's house at about 11, but I ended up reaching at 12. *Shame on you Vivienne* Headed to Gym straight. Seriously, I think I need to get a new sport shoe. The one I'm having now is so old and in a very bad condition! Mummy please!  I RAN! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN I-DONT-KNOW MONTHS!. After running on the treadmills, I did some leg workout. All my muscle on my leg are gone! ): Gonna get them back!. After all this exercise, I went swimming! AND YEA! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN I-DONT-KNOW HOW MANY MOUTHS! But too bad, I did not have a goggles with me and I can't open my eyes in the water for too long since it hurts so much): Then I showered at Sam's house and have a hearty lunch! Her maid sure knows how to cook! Bus to AMK hub as I wanted to get my brows done! So brows are done and somehow the lady persuaded me in treading some facial hair around my lips. AND STUPIDLY, I AGREE!!!! GUESS WHAT! IT WAS FUCKING PAIN! I never knew that it was that painful!

Reached home at about 4 plus, watched dramas and blogging That's my life. GAWD, I'm so bored! Job , Job, I need one!

Okay, that's that. Need to head over to my Grandaunt's house for dinner. Nomnom..

Till then,
With Love,

It's about time.
Tuesday 5 March 2013 | 02:03 | 0 hearts♥
Hey guys! I'm back again! I have been like Missing In Action for like forever!. Well, Well, in a blink of an eye, it is already March. How time flies ): Done with all the CNY and Exams stuff and so I am having my holidays! But I'm so bored! GAWD what should I do man. Looking for a job? Or otherwise/?

Well, so as usual, I have my music lesson this morning. Initially, I wanted to have lunch with that Evil Man, but that sleepyhead just keeps cancelling my calls! >;[ So I decided to head to town to have my nails done! YIPPEEE.

Pretty pretty nails! Couldn't get any happier.

Shortly after getting my nails done, I felt sharp pain in my tummy! LIKE SERIOUSLY, IT WAS !$@&*#*I^#&!%^*(^$&*!^ PAIN. And I vomited out the drink i drank earlier on. (Gross) I could not stand it any longer and I just cabbed home. T.T Literally collasped onto my Aunt's sofa and fell asleep with that pain in my tummy.

Woke up around 6 plus, feeling so much better and then have my dinner. My grandaunt being such a lovely cooked my chicken porridge! Felt so much better to be able to eat something warm !. I was banned from drinking cold drinks now ): BUT! Being a stubborn and a stupid person. I GAVE IN TO MY TEMPTATION. And I ate Ice Cream. Gawd. I know that all of you must have thought how nuts am I, but oh well. It's inside my tummy now :X


One of my favourite ice cream, even though I am not a huge fan of Cheesecake! But this one is oh-so-good. Ah~ i'm feeling guilty now! Praying hard that my tummy wont hurt later on.

I supposed this more or less conclude my day.

Till then,
With Love,

Sunday Night
Sunday 2 December 2012 | 22:55 | 0 hearts♥
Hey Lovelies, how is everyone doing? Haven being really posting anything since I'm still busy with my competition. I even sacrificed my 2NE1 concert ! Oh Gawd. I even heard that it was blasted! OHOH, I got into FINAL for my competition. *pop champagne* Hah. To be honest, I didnt really expect myself to get into the final. Now I have to treasure my opportunity. Hopefully I can get good result(:

Another thing to be excited about! I got my new MACPRO! Wakaka. It is just so pretty! I even got a red keypad protector. Pretty pretty. Dont be jealous guys!!


AHAH! Melting! Okay Shall go watched some running man(:

Till then,
With Love,

And you even called yourself a dad?
Thursday 22 November 2012 | 01:52 | 0 hearts♥

It had been a long one since I last post. I had been extremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremelyextremely  busy these few weeks. And I really mean BUSY!. Having intensive CO practice is not fun at all! Reaching home at 10plus is no joke at all. Having a performance on 23rd and a competition on 30th is no joke at all. When I all ready and wanted to start doing homework, I fell asleep. Dark Rings are forming under my eyes. I'm literally drained. I'm mentally exhausted. Sometime I asked myself was it really worth it? My answer would  always be the same. Yes, it is worth it.

I felt guilty and sorry for my friends as I had been really moody. Whenever I am tired, I'm like that. So yeah); You know I love you all right?! ^~^ Cant wait to watch movie with you guys tomorrow!!

Moving on.

Seriously, I cant express how much I hated my dad. When I says hate, I mean it. Did he even play the role model of a father? NO. Yet once again he triggered me again!

So after school, I had lunch with the Monsters and we all accompanied Bjorn to buy ticket. After which I went home straight to practice as I have some rehearsal at SCH at night. By right, it should be the parent taking their child over. But since my mum was away, it should be my dad's responsibility to do, guess what he say, 'eh please la, I just reached home from work and i haven eat and bath. Now you still want me to drive you there?!" *And he stared at me* Likefuck seriously. In the end it was my granduncle that accompanied me there. He just end work, quickly bathe and had a quick dinner just to be able to bring me there in time. Not to forget that he had to leave home for work at 6plus the next morning. What type of father are you? OKAY never mind.

When I reached home and bathed, it was already 12.30am already. I originally wanted to go do my homework. But now, guess what he asked me to do. WASH THE PLATES! The worst part is that he said he purposely dont want to wash them. And he says we treat him like maid or something like that. LIKE HELLO! If you have time to go out with your friends at night and slacking there to watch TV, WHY CANT YOU AT LEAST HELP TO WASH THE DAMN FUCKING PLATES! And my sister just watched videos instead of helping me. So by the time I was done, it was like already 1am.

URgh, I dont know. I know that I shouldnt be writing all this about my dad, but I need to rant for a bit. Maybe it is just me being pathetic. Damn I need to cry.

I might end up in IMH one day.

unpleasant day.
Thursday 15 November 2012 | 00:17 | 0 hearts♥



As you can inferred from my blog title, I'm sad today): 

Anyway, hello all my beautiful readers. Ended over to school as usual. And as usual, I was the last to reach. Thanks Dan and Sarah for waiting for me ^_^ Had Yikki's class. As I had an ICA1 later at night and I was not really well prepared so I didnt pay attention during his class. For once, I pitied him. He was like " No one is listening to me" Damn. After that had Miss Ang's lesson before going for lunch at Koufu. BlahBlah. Then headed to library for lesson. Then DB joined us at around 3 plus and we all studied together. Half way through, accompanied Dan to makan! 

And here comes.

As I left my phone with the rest, when I reached back to the table, my sister just texted me and scolded me "asshole" and I'm like dafug, I never do anything at all. Seriously, the thing I hated most is people scolding vulgarities at me. And that word was too much. I was like already on the verge of crying, but still held back as I dont want to cry in front of Monsters. But Dan and Bjorn kept asking me if I'm okay, which made it worst.. In the end, i cried a little and pretended it was okay. Le Sigh, I know that they were just concerned and I really appreciated me. Maybe ts just me(: 

It just happened. But I shall just let it go.

PS: Something is wrong with my mom and my sister. Both of them are seriously getting onto my nerve! I just hope my sister could just stop feaking irritating me with the jacket thing. Dafug.

[ Decided not to sign off ]

Saturday 3 November 2012 | 02:19 | 0 hearts♥
Hello to all readers! ^^ Well, I was late for school today): Was overslept as I only slept at 5am in the morning. But I managed to finish a DIY tote bag of mine! It was so pretty. Dreamcatcher series: "To be in Daze" Spent so much effort on it and I feel really proud of myself about completing it!(:

[ If you love this design, you can buy from me as I am selling it on my instashop. Follow me at @prettylittlestuffs. ]

Had Miss Ang's class, did a presentation and I guessed that it was pretty okay? After which headed over to Mac area to find the rest of the Monsters for lunch (: Had the beehoon (: Him was there ^^ Sarah and Dan told me that him 'protected' me when Bjorn said 'ee' to me(:(: I just cant help but to love him more! But sadly, he left soon after. After lunch, Dan went to mosque, Sarah rushing her script for presentation, me rushing Miss Gayle's homework , Sam and Char were lepaking. Left around 1.30pm. Pass up my homework before leaving. It was like one of the rare days where I get to go home early and I sort of like that!(:

Received a HUGE PRESENT from the DB people!(: I love it to max. Im like re-watching it again and again and again. Raping the re-play button(: Decided to leave house at around 4.15pm as I have an appointment at 4.30pm at marymount, but I accidentally dozed and woke up 6plus (to my horror). So in the end, I met the girl at Orchard(: So I train-ed down to Orchard, went to get my fabric dye before going to meet her! The seller was really nice and friendly unlike others(: I bought spikes studs(:

After that, I trained back and went to my aunt's house for dinner(: Had a fabric dye session and IT WAS AWESOME! Pretty pretty bag!(:

[Once again, If you are interested, you can purchase it from me as i am selling in my Instashop. You can choose what colour you want! ]

Making all these pretty bags make me feel happy! Really hope you guys can support my works! I drew and dyed each and every pieces myself! So it is really worth !(:

What are you waiting for?! Hurry up and get your's now!

Till then,
With love,

Trick or Treat?!
Thursday 1 November 2012 | 00:42 | 0 hearts♥

Happy Halloween to all my beautiful readers!<3
Woke up late today but lucky was not late for class (: Thanks monsters for waiting for me at the MRT. Guess what! I saw him(: So awww.. So had Yikky's lecture with DB, YES! Then DB Bryan's gang came in to class late with funny Halloween Clothing! The mosty funny part is when the lecturer took out his phone and asked them to pose for him!! Hah.After that had Miss Ang's class. The lesson was so 'dry' that I kept falling asleep during lesson): #badvivienne Right after class, I went home straight home as I had music lesson at 2.15pm/ Lesson was supposed to end at 3.45pm but the teacher had to change  most of my strings that she took up alot of time. And in the end, lesson end at 4.45pm! Rushed to have a quick bath and started dolling myself! Fussing about what to wear):

Cab-ed to Sam's house and had my dinner ther!(: Ikea's meatball! Damn nomz I swear! Sam's dogs, Sky and Penne are being over welcoming upon me, Char and Bjorn's arrival. It kept licking us! Hah. Watched a bit of TV before heading back to Sam's room to put up scary make-up! I really wanted to look scary, but in the end failed! Charlotte looked so mmuch scary than I do. Then Sarah was like saying: " vivienne doesn't even look scary. She is too cute to be scary". teehee. Sam had a cute cat face where she went arounf 'Meow-ing', Charlotte had a scary eye make up whereas Bjorn just drew a scar (: We went door to door to ask for sweets!(: "TRICK OR TREAT" hah. This is like my first time celebrating Halloween! Awesome much.

After visiting almost all the house, we went over to the fitness corner to film a short video! Heh, (Okay, just received a whatsapp message from char saying that the Video is done! Yippeee.) So after all the filming and visting, we 'lepak' in Sam's room, then suddenly Sam and Char decided to do the media financial management homework!(: We left around 9.30pm. I cab home AGAIN! I gave Bjorn and Char a ride to the Mrt!(: So kind of me! Hah. Well, that's that!

Shall upload all the pictures now!(:
I tied my hair up like Lady Gaga's 'bow-hair' (Y)

PS: Sam, I so sorry about my loud voice ):

one of the many houses we went!(:

Sam and I, during the make over process!

Group photo!(:

Along Sam's house's stairway!(: Spooky much.

Last but least, gonna end my this post with a pretty picture of me ;muacks

Till then,
With Love,